Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Left Behind

This is a great book. If you like christian fiction based on a true story you'll love this book. For me it put alot of things in perspective for me. This book is about the rapture that happens when time comes to an end. The people that have trusted in Christ have been caught up to be with him in heaven. The people that didn't trust him have been left behind. The story begins with an airplane pilot that has come home and his wife and son are gone,then he remembers what his wife had been telling him about trusting the Lord and making his home in Heaven. He realizes at that moment what she had been telling him was true. Then he gets a call from his daughter who is away at college. She to is wandering what is going on so, he tells her. The world is in total cause and it's hard to get around. Stores are being looted and people are walking around injured dazed and confused. His daughter is able to make it to their home and they go to the church where they meet a preacher that had preached the gospel for years but, had never completely gave God his trust. The three form an alliance with a couple of other people that know what's going on and they try to survive. You must realize there are so many people gone that no place is safe, the water supply can't be trusted, food is hard to find because electric power is down every where and the food is spoiling. Gasoline for cars is impossible to get because no power, roads are block from so many accidents. The book goes on showing you the impossible mobility for people and then the first vials of Gods wrath are opened. This is explained in the book of revelations in the Bible. The vials are opened an everything the Lord said would happen begins to unfold. This is a very action packed book. It's well written. When I started reading it, it was very hard to put it down. I would find myself reading it way into the night. This book began a series of about 11 books and their all just as good as the first. Every christian should make time they are Good!!!!!

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